Any LMC, CMC, Deacon, or Elder is eligible to receive 25 percent off any Advanced Certificate or Master’s program. The 25 percent scholarship will persist through the entire degree as long as the student maintains their status with the Free Methodist Church. This scholarship is not eligible for the Doctor of Ministry program.
Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College is committed to serving the Free Methodist Church. Free Methodist seminary students* are eligible for a 25% scholarship off tuition. Free Methodist students who need to satisfy educational requirements may do so as part of their Certificate or Master’s program.
Who is eligible for the 25 percent scholarship?
What additional scholarships are out there to support my seminary education?
Students may also have additional scholarship opportunities through their conferences. Some individuals have seen over 50 percent of their tuition covered by taking advantage of these combined scholarship opportunities.
- John Wesley Seminary Foundation - FMC USA
- FMC Canada Support Opportunities
Are Canadian students eligible for the 25 percent scholarship?
Yes, Northeastern serves Canadian Free Methodist students with a fully online seminary education. All tuition is billed in US dollars.
You will want to schedule a meeting to talk about your conference educational requirements. In almost all cases, we have classes that will match up against your conference's educational requirements. Examples common among conferences include Wesleyan Theology and Free Methodist Polity.
219 Students
100% Fully Online
30 Denominations Represented
You may complete the following courses online or in the classroom in Rochester, NY.
Below is an example of how the Genesis Conference of the Free Methodist Church USA has used the flexible curriculum and certificate program to help LMCs and CMCs fulfill their educational requirements. By completing these classes, CMC students in the Genesis Conference can complete their educational requirements and they will receive an accredited, graduate-level Certificate in Theology, Ministry, and Scripture.
LMC Course
MIN 596 | History and Polity of the Free Methodist Church | 3 Credits
Through self-directed study and classroom discussion, students will investigate the pertinent historical, theological, and governmental documents of the Free Methodist Church of North America. This course is designed to meet the ordination requirements for the Free Methodist Church.
CMC Certificate Option
BIB 511 | Introduction to Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching | 3 Credits
This course introduces students to responsible interpretation (or “exegesis”) of the Bible (both Old and New Testaments). The course focuses on the hands-on, practical skills in reading the biblical text carefully in its literary and historical/cultural context, to understand its message for today. Students will be introduced to the process of exegesis, applying each step in the process to two significant biblical passages (one Old Testament and one New Testament). Significant attention will also be paid to researching and writing an exegesis paper as a basis for teaching and preaching in the church.
BHT 521 | Being in the Story | 3 Credits
The entire biblical story or metanarrative stretching from creation to eschaton articulates a vision of God’s intentions for this world, beginning with creation, and continuing after the fall, as the Creator works through Israel, Jesus, and the church for the world’s redemption, until that day when there will be a new heaven and new earth, in which righteousness dwells. This narrative vision of the missio Dei provides a non-negotiable framework within which we live out our faith.
A clear understanding of this biblical vision is of great value for interpreting individual biblical texts, especially for those engaged in pastoral leadership, which typically involves interpreting Scripture in various contexts. Without a solid grasp of the foundational biblical vision of reality we are in danger of (mis)reading Scripture in light of our own contemporary assumptions. This course, therefore, aims to help Christian leaders grasp the basic contours of the overarching story the Scriptures tell, with a focus on exploring the logic of salvation as holistic—for the whole person, and even the entire created order.
BHT 522 | Being in the Word | 3 Credits
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are crucial to the life and ministry of all followers of Christ. They are central to the preaching and teaching ministry of the church. Furthermore, the Scriptures undergird our ethics at work and home. They reveal to us the nature of God, what it means to be fully human, and our role in the mission of God. But in order for Scripture to play the formative role that it is designed to play, we must know these Scriptures well. Moreover, to know these Scriptures well we must understand the context in which they were composed. This is true not only of the popular books of the Bible, but also for the parts of the Bible that are often ignored. This class will introduce students to the Bible in all its complex and multifaceted glory. Students will gain an understanding of the major sections of the Bible (the Torah, the histories, the Psalter, the Prophets, The Gospels, the Letters of Paul, etc). They will discern the major themes in these texts and their relevance for ministry in the 21st century. They will also discuss issues of authorship, setting, and the major interpretative approaches to these texts throughout church history. The goal is to open up the whole Bible as a resource for ministry and spiritual formation.
THE 726 | Wesleyan Theology | 3 Credits
This course explores major theological themes of Wesleyan theology through the examination of primary materials. While focusing on Wesley’s theology of salvation as expressed in his sermons, the course also includes exposure to Wesleyan thought on such matters as the doctrine of God, anthropology, the person and work of Christ, the Church, ministry, the sacraments, and eschatology. In addition, consideration is given to the development of early Methodism in its historical context, its relevance for contemporary Methodist traditions, and its potential contribution to the Church at large. A secondary purpose of this course is to impart to the student an appreciation of the field of Wesleyan Studies and its present-day interpreters.
Pick one 3 credit course in Old Testament.
Pick one 3 credit course in New Testament.