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Connected Communities

The Free Methodist Church, known for its deep-rooted commitment to holiness, social justice, and the empowerment of marginalized communities, is a global Christian movement with a vibrant network of connected ministries around the world. These connections are not just spiritual but also practical, fostering a shared mission to spread the Gospel and support local congregations in diverse cultural contexts. A shining example of this global fellowship is the developing relationship between the Free Methodist Church in Rwanda and Northeastern Seminary faculty members who are actively engaged in theological education and ministry development. This partnership grows out of the church's dedication to cross-cultural collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the nurturing of spiritual leaders equipped to address the unique challenges of their communities. Through these international connections, the Free Methodist Church continues to grow as a diverse yet unified body, committed to living out the teachings of Christ in every corner of the globe.

PRAY FOR Bishop Samuel Kayinamura as he leads the church and the training of pastors. The Rwandan government now requires that pastors must have a bachelor’s degree in theology. Currently, only 26% of the pastors have this degree so there is much work to be done.

Rev. Dr. Doug Cullum traveled to Rwanda, Africa, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills”. The initial part of his trip is focused on establishing a Connected Community between Community of the Savior Church, the congregation in Rochester where Doug is on the pastoral team, and a Free Methodist congregation in Ruru, a small village in the northwestern region of Rwanda. For the initial days of the trip, two lay couples from Doug’s church, as well as his wife Joyce joined him. The partnership included child sponsorship through International Child Care Ministries. Doug and his team visited seventeen homes of children recently sponsored by his congregation, hiking incredibly challenging paths to reach some of the homes.  

Joining Doug on this five-week journey was Rev. Dr. Wally Fleming, a beloved, longtime adjunct professor at Northeastern Seminary. The trip also provided opportunities for these Northeastern faculty members to utilize their gifts of teaching and preaching in several Rwandan churches, as well as teaching in the bachelor of theology program at Kibogora Polytechnic University on the southeastern shore of Lake Kivu. Both Doug and Wally have been working for the past few years to help make pastoral training available to Free Methodist pastors in Rwanda. This is their third trip together to this part of the world.
On June 7th, Doug and Wally participated in an observance of the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, a sobering observance that was held in a community near Kibogora where a mass burial grave of 53,000 genocide victims are interred. Both find in this country, so deeply wounded by the events of 1994, a place of incredible natural beauty and warm and welcoming people.

To Read More About the Rwandan Church