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Northeastern's D.Min. curriculum allows students to complete the program while remaining in full-time ministry. Classes offered in one-week intensives in January and June employ extensive pre- and post-seminar assignments and online interaction that allow students to apply class materials in their local setting.

The 34-credit hour degree is comprised of 8 three-credit classes and 10 credit hours of required research and dissertation classes. Learn more.

Retreat experiences
The gift of time and space for the renewal of your soul

All courses include a 24-hour retreat during the residency week and students can also attend the annual Seminary Spiritual Retreat where the entire Northeastern Seminary community gathers for worship, learning and fellowship.

Online collaboration
Creating the collegial learning environment

Each one-week residency is preceded and followed by opportunities for online interaction with the faculty member and peers allowing students to integrate and apply classroom material.

Spiritual formation
Interwoven emphasis on formative spirituality

Through a regular rhythm of retreat experiences and course work students are guided in the development of an integrational theology of human and Christian spirituality that equips them to nurture both their own spiritual formation and that of those they are called to serve.

Nationally-known scholars and practitioners
In addition to Northeastern’s outstanding faculty

Selected elective courses provide students focused time with visiting faculty such as MaryKate Morse, Christena Cleveland, Soong-Chan Rah, Andy Crouch, and Ruth Haley Barton. Leith Anderson, senior pastor of Wooddale Church and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, teams regularly with Northeastern Seminary faculty to teach the Transformational Leadership course.

Peer Interaction and Reflection
Meaningful friendships and long-term mentoring

Learning at the doctoral level is enhanced by the opportunity to be part of a small, highly selective group of peers in ministry and to form valuable relationships with the faculty members who guide the class.

Professional Development
Spiritual and personal development and effectiveness in ministry

Entering D.Min. students experience an extensive, personal, and professional assessment that is formative in nature. The information is provided to the student and his or her dissertation advisor to enhance development and effectiveness.

Housing during the January sessions may be found in nearby private hotels and bed and breakfast establishments. There are a number of hotels and bed and breakfast establishments within a 15-20 minute drive of the campus. Housing is at the student's personal expense.

Housing reservations for June residency must accompany registration forms. New housing reservations cannot be guaranteed after April 15 for June sessions. For current rates and information contact the Office of the Vice President and Dean at 585.594.6807.

